Food guide portions

👉At least five fruits and vegetables per day  

A sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases (especially certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases) and promotes good health. Fruits and vegetables are one of the main sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other components such as antioxidants and polyphenols. The important role that fruits and vegetables can play in the prevention of many diseases has been highlighted through several surveys and studies. It is thus shown that this family of foods has a protective effect:

  • on most cancers, especially those of the upper aerodigestive tract, stomach, lung, colon and rectum 
  • against cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
  • with regard to arterial hypertension, a classic and major risk factor for atherosclerosis and its complications
  • on diabetes (low glycemic index)
  • on osteoporosis

Finally, the consumption of fruits and vegetables allows a feeling of fullness thanks to a low energy intake while contributing to a good intake of protective minerals and micronutrients. They also fight against excess weight.

When we recommend 5 fruits and vegetables per day, we are actually talking about 5 servings of fruits and / or vegetables. One serving is the equivalent of 80 to 100 grams.

A portion can correspond for example to:

  • a medium sized tomato
  • 1 handful of green beans
  • a bowl of soup
  • 1 apple
  • 2 apricots
  • 4-5 strawberries ...

If you have the impression that your patient is a small eater of fruits and vegetables, try to determine the reasons (he does not like vegetables, he does not have time to prepare them ...). fruits and vegetables can be consumed in all their forms: raw, cooked, fresh, frozen, canned, vacuum packed, plain, prepared ... The range is vast and should allow everyone to find their taste.

Dairy products are sources of protein, calcium, phosphorus and often vitamin D (for fortified products). These nutrients are the most important for bone health.

The calcium and protein ration plays a major role in the prevention and maintenance of bone mineral density, in order to prevent the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Vitamin D, on the other hand, facilitates the absorption of calcium through the intestinal mucosa and facilitates its fixation on the bone.

Milk and dairy products are our primary dietary sources of calcium. One serving of dairy product corresponds to:

  • 1 natural yogurt (125 g): 200 mg of calcium
  • 1 individual cottage cheese (180 g): 200 mg of calcium
  • 2 small Swiss (60 gx 2): 140 mg of calcium
  • 30 g of soft cheese: 145 mg of calcium
  • 1 glass of milk of 250 ml: 300 mg of calcium

A selection among the best sources of calcium which, moreover, do not contribute too much to the intake of fats and salt, makes it possible, in the daily diet, to cover calcium needs:

  • milk, yogurt and fresh cheeses (faisselle, fromage blanc). The "semi-skimmed" and "plain" are to be recommended.
  • cheeses (parmesan, emmental, beaufort, edam, gouda, cantal, camembert ...): 1 to 2 parts per day (30 g x2) provide more than 300 mg of calcium

👉Starchy foods at every meal and according to appetite

Carbohydrates are nutrients necessary for our body because they constitute a major energy fuel and are necessary for the proper functioning of cells. Simple forms such as glucose, fructose, sucrose or lactose and the complex forms represented by starch and dietary fibers are distinguished among carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are expected to provide more than half of any individual's energy needs, primarily through complex carbohydrates. And these are naturally present in starchy foods. 3.4

The starchy family includes  2  :

  • cereals or foods of cereal origin (rice, corn, semolina, wheat, pasta, flour, bread, etc.)
  • dried and similar vegetables (lentils, chickpeas, split peas, flageolet beans, white beans, etc.)
  • potatoes and cassava

They are therefore essential foods and should be present at every meal. By increasing the amount of starchy foods in their diet, your patient increases the contribution of these complex carbohydrates. 1.2

Suggest that your patients consume bread and other starchy foods (grain foods, potatoes, legumes) at a rate of approximately 500 to 700 g per day. They provide plant proteins and carbohydrates essential for muscles, organs and the brain. 2

When starches are based on whole grains (cereals for which the 3 parts of the seed, which are the bran shell, the germ and the main starchy "body", have been preserved  5 ) they are even more beneficial for health because richer in many nutrients such as fiber or vitamins. 1

👉Meat, fish, egg: once or twice a day  

Meat, fish and eggs are great sources of protein. Their consumption is therefore recommended once or twice a day. Meat and fish also provide iron.

As for fish, it is recommended to eat it at least twice a week. Indeed, fish, and in particular oily fish such as tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines or even salmon contribute to the intake of vitamin D, omega 3 which have a protective role on the cardiovascular system.

For meat, it is advisable to favor the less fatty pieces:

  • skinless chicken
  • lean pork tenderloin
  • 5% fat minced steak ...

One serving of meat or fish is equivalent to approximately 100 grams cooked, i.e.

  • 1 minced steak
  • 1 chicken thigh
  • 1 turkey cutlet
  • 2 slices of white ham
  • 1 small slab of salmon ...

Regarding eggs, 1 serving is roughly equal to 2 eggs.

👉Unlimited water during and between meals 

Water is the only essential drink. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 L per day, during and between meals. Drinking water is essential for our body to compensate for daily water losses (through urine, perspiration, breathing ...) and to maintain the body's balance. And it is essential to drink before you even feel thirsty.

To achieve the recommended amount of water per day, you can advise your patients to drink tap water, natural mineral water, infusions or even herbal teas to vary their tastes.

Water is the only drink our body needs and we must therefore limit the consumption of sugary and alcoholic drinks.

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