10 most nutritious food



Studies have shown that replacing saturated fat foods in everyday life with unsaturated fat foods like avocado can reduce the risk of heart disease by more than a third. At the same time, avocados have an additional benefit: avocados are rich in geraniol, a plant alcohol that prevents the body from ingesting cholesterol from food. At the same time, glutathione in avocado is also a fairly effective antioxidant.


The soluble fiber rich in beans is good for the heart because it can quickly absorb cholesterol in the body, which can prevent it from adhering to the arteries. Studies have shown that adding soluble fiber to the diet daily can reduce the amount of cholesterol by 10% to 15%. The same soluble fiber, combined with soy protein, has a considerable benefit on blood sugar. The magnesium element in it can relax arteries and lower blood pressure. A new study also shows that beans are the best antioxidant food.


The most effective antioxidant substance, anthocyanin, gives blueberries a beautiful blue color. Blueberries can effectively help protect against heart disease, cancer, and the impairment of vision and memory caused by aging. Like their lingonberries, blueberries can effectively resist urinary tract infections. At the same time, blueberries are rich in epicatechin with antioxidant function, which can prevent bacteria from surviving in the bladder. At the same time, due to the rich cellulose in blueberries, Can effectively prevent constipation.


Broccoli is the number one hero in cancer prevention. Because it is rich in sulfides such as sulforaphane, you can smell these substances when cooking. These ingredients can effectively relieve the potential harm caused by carcinogens. Eating broccoli more often can reduce the possibility of breast, lung, stomach, and colon cancer. Sulforaphant can also kill bacteria that cause rot. Broccoli is also an important source of calcium and potassium. These substances are helpful for your bones and blood pressure. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, which can protect your eyes and prevent cataracts, while also protecting your brain cells and improving human memory.

dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in disease-resistant flavonoids (also antioxidants found in red wine, vegetables and fruits). In fact, dark chocolate contains more flavonoids than daily food. Studies have shown that the antioxidants rich in dark chocolate can increase blood pressure levels, prevent blood clotting, slow down the oxidation rate of LDL cholesterol (which can prevent it from adhering to arteries), and reduce the risk of inflammation. Research suggests that eating 45g of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 10%, and eating dark chocolate can also reduce insulin resistance, which is the culprit of diabetes.

Royal  Jelly    Royal Jelly is the world's only super nutritious food with high active ingredients that can be taken directly by humans. It is rich in high protein, vitamin B, folic acid, pantothenic acid, acetylcholine, and various amino acids and biological hormones that the human body needs. Royal jelly has a peculiar effect on human medical treatment and health care, and also has an auxiliary effect on the treatment of menopausal syndrome.

Durian  Durian pulp contains a variety of vitamins, is rich in nutrients, and has a unique flavor. It has the reputation of "king of fruits". Durian is warm in nature and can not be eaten more than once, it will cause dryness and heat, and symptoms of dampness and poison will appear. Do not consume more than two petals a day. It is best to abstain from physical weakness.

Tomato  eats 50 grams to 100 grams of fresh tomatoes per person per day to meet the human body's needs for several vitamins and minerals.

Soybeans  Soybeans and soybeans are inexpensive and contain isoflavones that produce similar effects to estrogen hormones, lower blood cholesterol, protect the heart, and prevent osteoporosis.

  The nutritional value of fungi edible fungi: high protein, no cholesterol, no starch, low fat, low sugar, multi dietary fiber, multi amino acids, multi vitamins, multi minerals. Edible fungus concentrates all the good characteristics of food, and its nutritional value reaches the peak of plant foods. It is called God food, longevity food.

Red rice  Red rice is rich in starch and plant protein, which can supplement the consumed energy and maintain normal body temperature. It is rich in many nutrients, of which iron is the most abundant, so it has the effect of nourishing blood and preventing anemia.

Orange  Orange is one of the four famous fruits in the world. It is rich in vitamin C and has almost become a synonym for vitamin C. Today's nutrition has unanimously promoted vitamin C as one of the antioxidants.

Carrot  Carrot, known as "Ginseng", in addition to containing multiple vitamins, also contains rich calcium, potassium, iron and other substances.

Oatmeal  Oatmeal is rich in various types of vitamins, especially vitamin E, up to 15 mg per 100 grams of oat flour. In addition, oat flour also contains saponins (the main component of ginseng) that are lacking in cereal foods. The amino acid composition of protein is relatively comprehensive, and the eight essential amino acid contents of the human body rank first.

Hard Shell Nuts  Hard shell nuts contain niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper and potassium, as well as a variety of antioxidants and other nutrients. Vegetarians often eat nuts to help ingest the lack of nutrients Elements to get balanced nutrition. Hard shell nut foods are: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, chestnuts, ginkgo, pistachios, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds and so on. Hazelnuts have not only been eaten by people for the longest time, but also have the highest content of nutrients, and have the title of "King of Nuts".

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