more on how to stay fit

  2. Stick to your schedule. You can do it. You are the only one in control of your actions and having a strong will can make you happy!
    • Stick to your schedule every day or every other day. If you have daily habits, it is much easier to stick to them than to think that you will be going for a workout or eating a balanced meal.
  3. Image titled Keep Fit Step 11
    Don't let others get you down. If you're using light weights at the gym, don't let the person next to you who is lifting huge weights intimidate you. You work at your own pace and that's what works best for you. If you continue this way, you will reach the goal you set for yourself.
  4. Image titled Keep Fit Step 12
    See if other people want to go with you. It may help you to have someone who trains with you and eats well. He will motivate you and it will be a good way to bond with him.
    • Your best bet is to ask family, colleagues, classmates, neighbors (if you already know them well) or friends.
  5. Image titled Keep Fit Step 13
    Give yourself rewards. Set goals for yourself and when you achieve them, give yourself a reward.
    • For example: If you've been following your daily physical activity habits and eating balanced meals, but have been running for 30 minutes instead of 20, then on Friday night eat something small that you will enjoy.
  6. Image titled Keep Fit Step 14
    Believe in yourself: pay no attention to what others are saying. If you are determined and believe that you can reach your goal and stay fit, you can! Try to achieve this goal every day while feeling good.Motivate yourself by wanting to continue on this path of being fit and healthy. You want to feel good in your head and in your body, you want to be healthy ... and you can without hesitation!
  7. 6
    Drink a lot of water. The human body is made up of 50 to 65% water and you must maintain this level. The body perspires a lot of water so it must be replenished.
    • The amount of water you need to drink depends on your weight. To calculate how much water you should drink, take your weight, add two zeros to it, then divide it by three, you get the amount of water to drink per day in milliliters. For example, if you weigh 55 kilos (5,500), this gives you 1,833 ml (about 1.8 liters) of water to consume per day  [9] .
    • If you exercise, you need to drink even more water to make up for what you lose while sweating.


  • Try not to overdo it. Keep a slow pace and do exercises that suit your level. Don't start by going for a 5 km run if you've never run before.

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